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Common purchase queries answered

Orders and Shipping

The following table will give you estimates of the time it takes for you to receive a package, including order confirmation, packing, transit and custom clearance if needed. Beware that we cannot guarantee these estimated time.

Rest of Europe10-15 days
Canada2-3 weeks
USA2-3 weeks
Australia2-5 weeks
South America2-5 weeks
Middle East & Africa2-5 weeks
Asia Pacific2-5 weeks

If you made a mistake while ordering or wish to cancel your order, send us a mail as soon as possible to : If you wait more than 24h, your order may have already been shipped. You will then need to wait to receive it and send it back through our return procedure.

You can follow your order journey via the tracking link sent to the email associated with your order. You can also find this information in your account, under the “orders” tab, button “track” or via this link with your order number.

⚠️ If you live outside of France, the tracking details will appear in both the French post and your country post website with more details. Before you send us a mail, go check there if you need infos.

Kindly note that once your shipment is turned over to the postal service in your country, it is marked as delivered in our system. If you need more information, you can contact directly with your local postal service.

If you made a mistake while ordering, send us a mail as soon as possible to : If you wait more than 24h, your order may have already been shipped. In case it cannot be delivered, the post office will return it and we will be sending it back to you again.

Don’t forget to also edit your postal address in your account, under the tab “addresses”.

We ship to all countries around the world. However as your shipment is handled locally, make sure that the postal services in your country are reliable before ordering.

We do not offer this choice at the moment. You can however subscribe to our waitlist : go to the product page, select the color/size you want, then click on the button “Notify me !”. You will receive an email when the item is back in stock.

No, unfortunately. We do not sell single pieces for items that come as a pair.

It depends on the country you reside in. If you’re residing within the European Union you will not need to pay any tax and duties

For the Rest of the World, any additional taxes, import fees, and surcharges are the only responsibility of the customer. Unfortunately, we cannot determine in advance the amount, if any, that will be charged.

If you need to swap an item

Returns and Exchanges

According to French Law, you have 14 days to change your mind and return a product.  However, some products are excluded from this rule. For hygiene and sanitary reasons, and because body jewelry cannot be resold after being used, we do not accept any returns.

However, should you wish to exchange an item (no piercing jewelry or plugs) that you didn’t wear, please reach out to us : within 7 days of receiving your order. We will happily help you exchange it for another item should you be willing to bear the cost of the shipping and any difference in price if needed.

First of all, we are sorry that you had this bad experience. Although we try our best to satisfy all of our clients, we do sometimes make mistakes, and in those instances, we’re more than willing to make amends.

Kindly send an email to : with your order number and pictures of the products. We will follow up quickly with you to replace it.

Be sure that we do put much care into packing your order so that it arrives safely. Unfortunately sometimes shipping company are not very careful and some orders can arrived damaged, especially if it travelled long distance.

Kindly send an email to : with your order number and pictures of the package and the products as soon as you receive it. We will follow up quickly with you to refund or replace it.

For hygiene and sanitary reasons, and because we offer body jewelry that cannot be resold after being used, we do not accept any returns.

However, should you wish to exchange an item that you didn’t wear, please reach out to us : within 7 days of receiving your order. We will happily help you exchange it for another item should you be willing to bear the cost of the shipping and any difference in price if needed.

We are very sorry to hear that you were not fully satisfied with our services. We prepare and ship your orders in less than 24h, unfortunately we do not have the control over transit delays, human mistakes or other hiccups that can happen on the way. We are not responsible for errors outside our jurisdiction.

For these reasons, beware that shipping times that are given for a certain country are only estimates that we unfortunately cannot guarantee.

We prepare and ship your orders with much care so that they make it to their final destination without issues. Unfortunately we do not have the control over item lost, human mistakes or other hiccups that can happen on the way. We are not responsible for unsuccessful deliveries or missing parcels caused by your local postal system

We invite your to kindly follow your order journey via the tracking link sent to your email or in your account under the “orders” tab, button “track”.. You can then reach out directly to your local postal service to resolve unsuccessful delivery attempts, or other delivery-related issues (such as insufficient address information).

We seek your understanding that we are unable to help better with such delivery problems.

Use and functioning of this website

Website Services

You can create an account at any time during your checkout by simply entering a user name and a password in the dedicated form.

You can also click on the “login” button in the menu or click on the following link to register : 

You can retrieve your password at any time by going to this page :, entering your account email or username and clicking on “Lost your password?”

You will shortly receive an email (check your spam if it is not the case) to reset your password. You can then use this new password to connect.

We do not keep any confidential information and we do not have access to these information by any means. We use only secure payment services that ensure your bank information can never be disclosed to anyone (Stripe). 

You will find a box “Coupon Code” at the bottom of the “cart” page where you can enter the code. Make sure to use upper and lower case letters exactly as written.

You can also find this box by clicking on the dedicated link at the bottom of the “Checkout” page.

There are many possible reasons for this unfortunate situation :

  • Insufficient funds or having hit maximum card limit : in this case we would advise you to check with your bank directly.
  • 3D secure not processed : your didn’t activate secure online payments for your credit card (usually you will be asked to enter a code or use you mobile application to confirm payment). Please reach out to your bank if this is not the case.

We kindly remind you that all credit/debit/PayPal/SEPA transactions and payment account holders are subject to validation checks and authorization by the card issuer or payment method provider.

Should you have any question or need any help, please reach out to our customer service : We will be more than happy to help if we can.

Yes ! We offer a loyalty program to all our users and customers without any discrimination. You will find all related information regarding points, ways to earn them and to redeem them in this link : Loyalty Program.

Know more about our jewelry

Products Info and Care

It depends! All our titanium, gold 14k and surgical steel threadless posts, ends and clickers (gold or silver) are suitable for use in fresh piercings. They can also be autoclaved by your local piercer. 

Gold and silver brass jewelry are suitable for healed piercing only. They are also not recommended for use while stretching or upsizing. Please wait to be fully healed before using it.

All kind of metals, with the exception of titanium, are susceptible to oxidation over time, giving them a tarnished look. This is a natural reaction, resulting from contact with oxygen and moisture in the air. It can also be aggravated by sweat, perfumes, creams and other cosmetic and cleaning products, so make sure to avoid it. 

Our brass jewelry are non coated in order to keep it as natural and safe as possible. All raw brass will tarnish / oxidize as it ages, creating a patina that is unique to each piece. This is considered normal and not a defect. If this is not a look you want, you may purchased anti-tarnish products or simply wipe it with a jewelry-polishing cloth.

Keeping your jewelry away from water, humidity and sun will help them stay shinny and bright. Make sure also to store them in a dry place and dry them thoroughly if it gets in contact with water.

All of our products are nickel and lead free and safe for body piercing. We use ASTM F136 grade titanium for piercings, which is a particular alloy of titanium that is biocompatible and specifically refined  for surgical implant applications.

However, allergies can be triggered by any kind of metal including pure silver or gold. It also differs from person to person and therefore may require customized recommendations. Don’t hesitate to drop us an email at : if you have any questions regarding your selection process.

Note also that allergies are often confused with inflammatory symptoms that are completely normal during the healing process or while stretching. Please refer to your local body piercer should you have any doubt about that.

We are pleased to offer a 1 year warranty on all of our 14k solid gold jewelry. Our warranty covers all manufacturing defects, such as problems with soldering, plating or stone setting. It covers damage caused to the product resulting from regular daily use within one year from the date of purchase under the following conditions:

  • Our warranty covers normal wear and tear, but does not extend to damage caused by improper use or storage.
  • Our warranty does not cover natural aging of materials or surface scratches that may occur over time. Please note that such changes are considered normal and therefore not eligible.
  • Our warranty does not cover loss or theft of jewelry during transportation or after receiving them.
  • Our warranty does not apply if modifications or repairs have been made to your jewelry by a third party.
  • Our warranty does not apply to jewelry purchased from a reseller. You will need to have a Maedusa Body Jewelry order number or invoice to benefit from it. If you purchased your item from a third party, please contact them and we will work with them to replace your damaged item if they qualify for it.

If you experience manufacturing defects or product damage resulting from normal daily use within one year from the date of purchase, please initiate the claim by sending an email to Please include your order number, product title, details of your concern, and photos/videos of the defective item for evaluation. Please note that the costs of reshipping the product in exchange will be the responsibility of the customer.

Regretfully, we do not have a warranty policy for our other jewelry yet. If you receive a defective item in your order, simply reach out to within 15 days maximum after receiving them with your order number and pictures of the product. We will take care of you from there.

Unfortunately, we do not offer customization at the moment. However, we are always trying to improve our offer and satisfy our clients, so don’t hesitate to send us an email to let us know about your wishes for future collections:

Here are few advises to ensure that your jewelry will make you happy for a very long time :

  • Store your jewelry away from water, humidity and light. You can keep them in the packaging that your received with your order, as it was designed to protect them perfectly.
  • Avoid any contact with perfumes, creams and other cosmetic or cleaning products. They are highly sensitive to chemicals and liquids, and it can cause them to oxidize or change in color.
  • Dry them thoroughly if it gets in contact with water. Brass jewelry that are non-coated especially can retain water spots, leaving undesirable white stains.
  • You may purchased anti-tarnish products to clean your brass jewelry if it tarnishes or changes color (oxidize). This is very efficient and will give it back its lush warm golden color.
  • Toothpaste and a toothbrush would also do the job. You can also clean your tarnished brass jewelry by simply brushing it gently under water with an old toothbrush and some toothpaste on it!
  • To avoid scratches, wrap your jewelry in a soft cloth after cleaning and keep them in a separated jewelry box when you carry them.

Products in our body jewelry collection are exclusively threadless or internally threaded. As the first name suggests – there are no threads (or screw) for threadless jewelry. The decorative end has a strong pin that protrudes to fit into the post. This pin is bent and the tension caused by the bend of the pin within the post holds the jewelry together. 

In our shop you will find threadless jewelry sold in two separated parts. You choose first the ends you like and then match it with the right size posts you need. Our treadless ends are all compatible with our threadless posts, whatever size you choose.

Internally threaded jewelry has the screw attached to the end instead of the post as usual piercing jewelry. The barbell is thus very smooth and doesn’t hurt the skin when passed through the piercing hole. 

Threadless and internally threaded jewelry are the current leading standard for jewelry across the piercing industry. It is the safest, most secure and confortable option and especially great for people who can’t stand having to battle to remove or set up their jewelry! 

Please refer to our detailed Size Guide should you have any question about jewelry sizes. Do not hesitate to ask us any additional information by mail if needed :